About this website. Welcome to my website. This website is about hiring and firing alternative investment managers, including hedge fund managers. My name is on the website because someone has to take the fall when something goes wrong, which it will, and that person is me. But I want you to think of this as your website. If you are a fund of funds manager, a pension fund officer or a private investor, this is your website. This website is devoted to keeping you on the bleeding edge of investment knowledge and technique.
This website is devoted to the strategic issues of alternative investing; the strategies investment managers use, the quality of the data commercially available, the problems involved in interviewing investment managers, and many other issues. I do not mean that we will not cover investment news, but we are interested in news only insofar as it sheds light on the problem of hiring and firing investment managers. The only other time we are going to go off topic is when it might be fun.
I intend this website to be unapologetically pro-investor. Brokers, investment managers, data vendors and all the rest need to make a living, and they are welcome to contribute here, but they are not my concern. They are on their own.
I want to hear from you. If you disagree with something I've said, you can comment on the entry (there is a comment section on the bottom of every page, including this one) or you can send me an email. I’m not infallible and I look forward to hearing from you. And by the way, you don’t have to worry about my feelings. I believe in the truth even when it hurts.
About Me. Over the years, I’ve worked as a consultant to hedge funds, fund of hedge funds and large private investors. More, I have been writing about Hedge funds and other alternative investments for more than twenty years. My first book, Commodity Market Money Management was published in 1983. My second Quantitative Trading and Money Management was published in 1995. Your can read about my books here. I’ve written columns for MARHedge, Futures and Options World, and individual articles for lots of other publications including the Financial Analysts Journal and The Journal of Futures Markets, both of which are peer reviewed. I’ve also spoken before groups of professional investors on four continents. Sometimes, there are fights.
How you can help. When you think you have something to say, post a comment. If you think you have something I or my readers would be interested in send me an email.